UHV Campus

Get all your questions about UHV answered by calling one of the phone numbers below. We also invite you to visit UHV or UHV Katy to get a taste of what being a UHV Jaguar is all about.

UHV Switchboard
(361) 570-4848
(877) 970-4848

UHV Katy
(281) 396-3700

University Advancement
(361) 570-4812
(877) 970-4848, ext. 4812

Office of the President
(361) 570-4332
(877) 970-4848, ext. 4332

School of Arts & Sciences
(361) 570-4201
(877) 970-4848, ext. 4201

School of Business Administration
(361) 570-4231
(877) 970-4848, ext.4231

School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development
(361) 570-4371
(877) 970-4848, ext. 4371

(361) 485-4423
(877) 970-4848, ext. 4423